Justin MaximPARTNERING WITH PLANT MEDICINE WEEK 7Today is Saturday, May 7th. It is 1:32pm. I am at a coffee spot in Chandler, Arizona called Coffee Rush. The view in front of me is a man…May 11, 20221May 11, 20221
Justin MaximPARTNERING WITH PLANT MEDICINE WEEK 6The end of the course is approaching fast. It is officially week six. I wrote down some notes from week five I wanted to share on our…May 5, 20221May 5, 20221
Justin MaximPARTNERING WITH PLANT MEDICINE WEEK 5How the fuck is it week five? I can not wrap my head around how fast this course is going. Each week seems to be going by faster and…May 3, 2022May 3, 2022
Justin MaximPARTNERING WITH PLANT MEDICINE WEEK 4I am going to tell you this right now. If you read my last post it is probably the best one that will be in this series. I mean how do I…May 1, 202221May 1, 202221
Justin MaximPARTNERING WITH PLANT MEDICINE WEEK 3Week three is here and it is time to start consuming our plants/flowers. My container is prepped and ready for my rose tea. The zoom call…Apr 28, 20221Apr 28, 20221
Justin MaximPARTNERING WITH PLANT MEDICINE WEEK 2I started the second week of this course with a challenge I didn’t know I would have. I caught a cold out of no where. My nose got all…Apr 26, 202231Apr 26, 202231
Justin MaximPARTNERING WITH PLANT MEDICINE WEEK 1On March 15th, A week before my first meeting with the group, I had my one on one with Ben. Each person in the course did this at some…Apr 19, 202231Apr 19, 202231
Justin MaximPartnering With Plant MedicineAs you are reading this I am actively participating in a 7 week course called Partnering With Plant Medicine. I haven’t really told many…Apr 11, 20222Apr 11, 20222