So I decided to do a thing. Actually it wasn’t really my idea. See for the last 2 weeks I have been doing the One Funnel Away Challenge. The challenge was created by the founder of click funnels Russell Brunson. It teaches you how to build your own funnel in 30 days. (funnels are basically a way go generate sales for your business online.) Each day in this challenge there is a new task to do. Week 1 was all about mindset. I am already in the mindset space so that came easy to me. Week 2 was where shit started getting real. That is when the planning of your funnel begins and let me tell you it has been a fucking roller coaster! Let’s find out what lead to me creating what will now be my daily journal.

This past weekend was a rough one mentally for a few reasons. It took me all the way until late Thursday night to figure out what the hell I would build my funnel on. I have all these great ideas for everyone else in my circle but when it comes to myself I have nothing. That is mostly because I do not consider myself an expert in anything. People who know me may think video production but there are still so many things I don’t know in the field. I was sitting there, starring at my blank white board and this rush of creativity hit me out of nowhere. It was kind of like when Bradley Cooper’s character in limitless would pop NZT and instantly become a genius. I was on my white board writing away and putting the puzzle together. Finally! I had everything figured out. I decided to combine my podcasting knowledge and my video knowledge together to sell as a video course. This had me pretty pumped. Friday came and it was time to get to work creating everything in my offer.
“I have all these great ideas for everyone else in my circle but when it comes to myself I have nothing.”
The one thing that is stressed a lot in this challenge is outsourcing almost everything. Just like in any business, you want to do what you’re good at and outsource what you suck ass at. I didn’t outsource anything mainly because I’m broke as fuck at the moment. I just hit the weekend hard creating the pieces to my funnel. This ended up kicking me in the dick. The first thing I started with was pdf files. I created files for apps, microphones, and my personal equipment. After that I wrote an ebook titled 10 Steps To Beginning A Podcast and recorded an audio version. This was all the “easy” stuff. That easy stuff took hours. It was now time to create the video courses. The first course was how to record your first podcast episode start to finish. The second course was how to film a podcast with two cameras. I would then offer another video on how to make instagram clips like Gary V. Sounds cool right? Well come Sunday it hit me. These so called “courses” could be done in one video. It isn’t really a course at all. When doing a funnel you want to add as much value to people as possible. I didn’t feel like I was adding any value. Boom! This put me back into a state of limbo. I didn’t record a single video. Time was running out and I was back at square one heading into week 3.

It is now Monday. Week 3 has officially started. I am still in limbo which has created some procrastination. On top of that I have something else on my mind. I left my job back on Easter Sunday. Many people would probably say I am crazy for that but I needed to do it so I could level up. I had some money saved to cover me for a couple months had I not landed any clients for video. A lot has happened since I decided to dive face first into entrepreneur life. Right now I am kind of getting my teeth kicked in financially. As of today I have $200 to my name after paying rent. Last week my car took a $386 gargantuan shit. The only reason it got fixed was because my mom spotted me. I can not tell you how much I hate that. I am grateful for help but nothing gets to me more than having to accept a hand out from a parent at 31 years old. That will be the last time I ever accept money from my mom. One day soon I will write a $72,000 check to pay off her house.
“Right now I am kind of getting my teeth kicked in financially.”
I was prepared and willing to eat shit on this journey of mine. Right now kinda sucks I won’t lie about it. With that being said my mindset is still positive and thinking about offense. I want to showcase the struggle so when I get out of this rut I’ll have credibility and documented history of where I started. I am sharing all of this due to today’s mission for the one funnel away challenge. The mission is all about publication. I had to choose a form between writing, video or audio and commit each day for 365 days. Eventually I will do them all but right now I chose writting. I enjoy writing. I write every morning in my journal. As of today my journal entry was 64. I missed a few days since I started back up consistently. Today’s challenge gave me an idea to shift my journal to this platform. I will be vulnerable in my posts as I write each day. I’ll also sprinkle in some vulgar jokes as well because I love that shit. As for my funnel I am planning on making it one page to get clients for video instead of selling a course. Follow me on this journey to the top of the success ladder I call The Max Life!