Justin Maxim
4 min readJul 5, 2019



I was up late last night as usual. For some reason I tend to get rushes of motivation at night. There was some planning on my end that needed to be done. I cleared off my white board and started to write out things I wanted. I am not a materialistic person. Most of what I wrote down were more of things I need to do rather than buying objects. I finished my list. At the top I wrote I want and everything else went underneath it. If you are not familiar with manifestation, know that words can be powerful. Being clear on your goals is important. Sometimes I don’t get clear enough on my goals. Instead of having I want on the board, I changed I want to I will. This little change makes my list more attainable. Below I’ll talk about 3 things from my list.

“If you are not familiar with manifestation, know that words can be powerful.”


I talk a lot of shit about Akron, Ohio but it is home. I haven’t been home since last June. Originally I was going to visit this week. Due to me trying not to drown at the moment, I could not make it happen. If I am going to visit good ole Akron, it definitely isn’t going to be in the winter time. The sun will still have to be out a little bit. I am putting it in writing now. I will visit home the week of August 13th-20th. That way it should still be somewhat warm and I’ll be there for my sisters 40th birthday. I actually don’t know how old she’ll be. It is close enough to 40. She’s getting pretty fuckin old. In order for me to do this I will need to make my second goal become a reality first.

“I will visit home the week of August 13th-20th.”


I think the most I have ever made from my video skills for a project was $600. That was like three years ago. I didn’t even ask to be paid. It was just a way for me to get demos. Deciding on the value of my service has hands down been the biggest struggle for me. I guess I can admit it makes me a little uncomfortable. (which is good!) Part of that was due to not having a guide on it. Everyone in this field is different but I recently just figured out a way for me to charge people. Just to pull my camera out and shoot for a full day is $800. That doesn’t include editing. It is tricky with video since not every video is the same for a client. If someone wants me to do something monthly that will also effect the price. Now that I got something locked in to follow, this goal should be easy to achieve. For both of these first 2 goals to manifest I need to lock in the next one.

“Deciding on the value of my service has hands down been the biggest struggle for me.”


I met with someone a couple days ago that seems to already be a go. I will be writing up an offer today to lock in a dollar agreement. This Monday I have a meeting with Tayne Griffin. Tayne was on the podcast I shoot for called Feed Me Fuel Me. She has a brand called Her Soul Story. In a nut shell, she works with women and helps them find their true self. She is a very good speaker and can do a lot with her brand. We have talked over email the past couple days. This Monday is the day we agreed to meet. I already know this meeting will go well. Tayne has good energy. Me being the energy guy I am, I know immediately who I will and will not vibe with. I am pretty pumped for this meeting and expect to get something on paper.

click here to watch Tane’s podcast episode!

There were three of the things on my list. Each one I have all kind of work together. I will even add in a bonus one. I will win the month! Now that things are more dialed in I can focus on each step. I have simple goals to reach in a short time. The last time I did this was in march. I had one goal of upgrading my camera. I made that happen within a months time. Once I had the goal in mind and on my vision board I just went to work. I picked up almost every shift people wanted to give up at my restaurant. I also offered to close on the weekends since no one else ever wanted to. The universe shows signs all the time. Sometimes they are hard to recognize. I have gotten a few this week and I am going to take full advantage of them! I can’t wait to come back to this post on August 1st and see what all has come into reality. Don’t worry you will know what happens. I will write about it!



Justin Maxim
Justin Maxim

Written by Justin Maxim

I am a creative who not long ago decided to try writing. Usually I am behind a camera but writing is another way I can express myself in a creative way.

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