Justin Maxim
4 min readJul 9, 2019


MONDAY, JULY 08 2019

How’s your Monday going everyone? I decided to wait a little bit before I wrote today. It is amazing of what can happen day to day. Since I have a pretty solid state of consciousness, there are a lot of things that happen throughout a day that I can use to write about. Today has presented me with a few things to talk about. One of them is going to force me to be even more patient than I currently am. It is another unfortunate little pothole in my journey I have to deal with. It’s all good though. Every time you hit a pothole there is a valuable lesson to be learned.

My day started out pretty nice. I went to meet up with a potential client and I think we had a a really good conversation. We agreed to work together for a month to see if we would be a good fit for each other. It would be ideal to have her as a monthly retainer. By doing only one month of content to see how we flow is a good idea on both of our ends. I have mentioned I am an energy guy. What I mean by that is I am very intuitive. My ability to be able to feel someones energy and know if we will vibe is pretty damn solid. (I am also a serial lucid dreamer but I can talk about that another time.) I trust the universe and this client and I didn’t get connected for just shits and giggles. Today I will be mapping out some packages to offer her. I am excited to try and help this client reach her end goal.

“My ability to be able to feel someones energy and know if we will vibe is pretty damn solid.”

The next part of my day is usually my favorite part of the day. I went to the gym to get my workout in. I was pretty sore from a workout I did on Saturday. The soreness was mostly in my whole posterior chain due to the 100 deadlifts I did. Being sore is nothing new. It took me a while to stretch out. After my warm up I felt pretty good. I made a mistake though. I have been having a shoulder issue on my left arm. It is weird because I can stretch it and smash the hell out of it but it only acts up in one movement. For the most part it is manageable. I did not do any shoulder mobility today when I should be doing it everyday. I got to the back end of my programming and had to do this circuit. 3 rounds of 9 sumo kettlebell deadlifts, 7 duel kettlebell cleans, and then 5 front rack kettlebell squats. The first set was fine. On the second set into my second rep of the kettlebell cleans something went wrong. It was hard to keep the kettlebells from crashing down on my shoulders. Normally it isn’t a big deal but I was feeling it on my left side. This movement isn’t really a shoulder one but when the kettlebell crashed down on the second rep of round 2 I had to drop it. I wasn’t in excruciating pain but it was still strange. It was an instant aching type of pain. I ended my workout right there and started stretching and smashing the area. It helped a little bit. As I write this now I have my shoulder wrapped up with ice. We will see what happens with it and hopefully it is just a little strain that will heal up in a short amount of time.

I came back from a back injury that happened in December 2017. It took a lot of work mentally for me to get where I am now with that. When you are someone who is active daily in the gym, or whatever type of fitness you do, injuries can just bring you down so fast. I would argue it is worse mentally than physically. I’ll get through this one though. I went through worse with my back. Even though this is a little set back something else happened today that is pretty cool. I created an offer up page the other day to sell a gimbal for my camera I do not use. I got an offer. It is pretty low compared to my asking price. It is about $50 less than what I expected to get. I still may take the offer but haven’t decided yet. I may sleep on it. Part of me thinks it is another test of patience. Maybe it is, maybe it’s not. Either way I’m cool with it. I am just grateful for where I am in the present so when I reach my max potential it will make my successes even sweeter.



Justin Maxim

I am a creative who not long ago decided to try writing. Usually I am behind a camera but writing is another way I can express myself in a creative way.