Justin Maxim
4 min readJul 11, 2019


I am coming at you with another late post. The day got away from me once again! The main reason for that is because I went to bed too late. By the time I got up this morning I had to go shoot a podcast. I am glad this happened though. It has given me something to write about today. Many very successful people generally all have morning routines to start their day. What it does is give you small wins right to start the day. It makes you feel good and sets your day up for success. I will share with you the routine I usually do right when I wake up in the morning.

look at those cute ass dimples

My routine has been either inconsistent or non existent. I have struggled to wake up for some reason. Part of it is due to sleeping in my room that feels like fuckin Antarctica every morning. The ac turns on at weird times and I don’t know how to program the thing. I have been lucid dreaming a ton lately as well. Those dreams drain the hell out of me. My latest routine has been the following. The first thing I do when I wake up is make my bed. I used to never give two shits if my bed was made. My reasoning was because I would just sleep in it again at night and mess it all up. I didn’t learn until a few years ago that the purpose of making your bed in the morning is to give you that first quick win of the day. It literally takes such a small effort to take your comforter, give it a little fluff, and let it lay itself on your mattress. If you don’t normally make your bed in the morning, give this a try for a week and see how it makes you feel. I would bet money doing this each morning will change how your day goes!

“I didn’t learn until a few years ago that the purpose of making your bed in the morning is to give you that first quick win of the day.”

My bed is made and now it is time for my 2nd task. I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth. This is done as quickly as possible. Not only does it feel good but it also keeps me from diving back onto my bed and falling back asleep. Believe it or not but I have went back to sleep before despite making my bed. My bed is made and my teeth are cleaned. It is now time for me to sit down and do probably the top thing that most people don’t do but should.

What is it that everyone should do? I am talking about meditation! Most people probably look at meditation as some whoo whoo shit. It is starting to finally make its way over to the western world and become a norm. There are many studies to show that the best way to do internal work to change the subconscious mind is done by meditating. The minimum I do is 10 minutes. Sometimes I will do 15 minutes. I think the longest I have ever done is 20. One day soon I want to see if I can go for an hour! Meditation makes me feel so damn good and it is one of a few ways I am able to manifest things into my life so fast. When I go through a period of not meditating I can feel the effect it has on me. It doesn’t take long for me to get back on my meditation game.

“There are many studies to show that the best way to do internal work to change the subconscious mind is done by meditating.”

The last thing that I do for my morning routine is journal. Journaling does a few things for me. It gives me an opportunity to put things in writing I am grateful for and also is another way for me to manifest the things I want to become reality. You would be amazed at how powerful putting things in writing can be. I would usually write a full page at whatever came to my mind. Now this whole blog has evolved from my personal journal. I put more thought into this blog since there is an audience. I have to make it as entertaining as possible. It forces me to keep the creativity coming. Except for yesterday. That shit was straight up booty. Writing this has given me a new way to express myself creatively and I am excited to keep this going!

What I have shared is mostly what I have done for my morning routines for the past few years. I have switched up the order I do things many times. I may add some things like making a to do list for the day or things that need to be done in general. I get creative with it and try to keep it fresh from time to time. After my routine I go hit my workout. I guess that can be considered part of the routine but rarely do I miss my gym time. I am going to buckle down and get back to my morning routine consistently. Balance is something that is needed to be maintained throughout nature. We are no different. There is always something that needs to be worked on and for me this is one of those things that will help me reach my max life.



Justin Maxim

I am a creative who not long ago decided to try writing. Usually I am behind a camera but writing is another way I can express myself in a creative way.